My Hardware and Software Setup

This article briefly introduce how my hardware and software is set up (as of 3/6/25). Regular Computers I own 3 laptops, one at home, and two carried with me. All of them runs free operating system, without non-free firmware, drivers and binary kernel blobs. czl92783719-PC1 This is my primary computer used for various tasks, such as programming, surfing the internet, and listening to music. Model: Lenovo ThinkPad X200 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo P8600 (2) @ 2.
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My Homepage Is Now Google-free and Another New Homepage of Mine Is Now Available

For those who advocate for surfing privacy here comes a good news - I just downloaded all required assets from Google APIs to my homepage’s directory, and fucked off all and request on my homepage. Another good news is a new website of mine, which is written from scratch by me and has a 1990s retro style, is now available! Currently it is only available as an onion hidden service , but a clearnet site will be soon available on tilde.
One minute to read

How Do I Listen to Music

WARNING: This article is not for perfectionists that reject non-free JS. Currently there is no music streaming solution without non-free JS:’s streaming service is currently down, and even Funkwhale won’t work with LibreJS running; Go to your local disc store for music CDs! WARNING: If you are against music recommendation algorithm, you can now close this window: this article is not for you. To be short: Spotify. What? Are you not a free software advocate?
3 minutes to read

My Instant Messaging Services Usage Principles

This article explains how I use instant messaging services. Jabber Jabber is my firstly recommended instant messaging service. I use one Jabber account, which is provided by my mail service provider Autistici/Inventati for all purposes, incl. private or public communications. Matrix I have 2 Matrix accounts, one for public communications, and the other for private communications. I use Matrix very often, however, if someone can be contacted using either Matrix or Jabber, I prefer Jabber.
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Jabber Registration Guide

Since I promote the use of e2ee communication apporaches due to the frustrating experience brought to me by CMCC , I will write an registration guide for the most endorsed libre IM protocol, Jabber. First of All: Jabber and XMPP Usually Refers To the Same Thing Jabber originally referred to the open-source instant messaging protocol that was developed in the late 1990s. Over time, Jabber evolved into XMPP, which is the formalized standard for the protocol.
5 minutes to read

All Emails Send to My Mailbox Should Be OpenPGP-Encrypted Since Today

Otherwise in some critically special or emergency cases, since today, all emails send to my mailbox must be OpenPGP-encrypted. My OpenPGP public key can be obtained here . If you don’t encrypt your email with OpenPGP, your email will be ignored, generally. Since China Mobile’s censorship on my messages has really hurted me, I began promoting e2ee communication approaches, and gradually stop using unencrypted communication apporaches. Rejecting unencrypted mails is a major step on that journey.
One minute to read

Boycott CrDroid

As a free software advocate, I am enraged by the fucking crDroid maintainers as they bundled a fucking proprietary MIUI Camera app in their crDroid builds for some Xiaomi devices. crDroid claimed to be free and open source (I don’t endorse the term “open source” and here I am just referring to their original text), I don’t know why the fuck they did so, and also don’t know who the fuck has given them the courage to bundle that shit.
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FSFans and NEFU Email Address Deprecation

Hello everyone. Due to my withdrawal from the Free Software Fans community recently, I will no longer use the email service they provide via , and I revoked the identity of this email address of my OpenPGP keys. Please DO NOT send emails to that email address any longer. And if you receive emails from that address, it’s spam or scam; please add that email address to the blocklist.
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From Today I Use Jabber Over Matrix

Shocked by the immoral and unethical behavior of Vector Ltd , I decided from today I use Jabber over Matrix. My Matrix accounts will remain, however, I will give Jabber more priority than Matrix.
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I Got a New Mailbox from the Free Software Fans

After joining such the wonderful Free Software Fans, which is a group for Chinese free software advocates and offers mail service to its members, very surprisingly I also got a fresh, new mailbox from the group, and it’s . This email address has been added to the homepage of my personal website, and my OpenPGP has also been updated. This will be my second prefered email address, only after czl92783719@autistici.
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